
KFC UK & Ireland and STOP THE TRAFFIK Collaboration

As part of their effort to stamp out modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT), KFC UK & Ireland (KFC UKI) are rolling out two new e-learning modules this autumn across their business. Between 10th October and 6th November 2022, over 36,000 KFC UKI employees will undergo MSHT training. After this date, the training will become mandatory for all new starters. In doing so, KFC UKI reaffirms their commitment in their 2020/21 Modern Slavery Statement to assess their compliance training programme and see where they can make further improvements.

Created in partnership with STOP THE TRAFFIK, these modules focus on raising awareness around modern slavery and child sexual exploitation and will upskill KFC UKI employees on MSHT to protect both themselves and others from this insidious crime. The training will provide definitions of modern slavery and child slavery exploitation, explain KFC UKI and Yum’s commitments on the issue, utilise statistics from STOP THE TRAFFIK to illustrate the reality of modern slavery in the UK, provide an insight into what modern slavery and exploitation might look like in a restaurant environment and how to spot the signs, and explain the responsibility team members and shift runners have should they encounter modern slavery. This information will also be included on KFC UKI’s Employee Assistance Programme and the KFC UKI whistleblowing SpeakUp line.

All of this work forms an important part of KFC UKI’s wellbeing and safety commitment to look after team members who may have experienced, be experiencing or know someone who is experiencing modern slavery or child sexual exploitation.

Modern slavery is a crime hidden in plain sight. Training opportunities, like that of KFC UKI’s, are key to raising awareness and play a vital role in disrupting the trafficker’s business model. If businesses can identify human trafficking risks and introduce preventative measures against it, they make it harder for traffickers to operate.

STOP THE TRAFFIK is a modern slavery prevention organisation, which works directly with vulnerable communities to reduce their risk of being trafficked into exploitation. STOP THE TRAFFIK also provides consultancy services, helping businesses to eradicate and prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within their own operations and supply chains. To learn more, please visit stopthetraffik.org or contact us at [email protected].

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